The Most Common Areas In Your House That Requires Protection From Pests

The Most Common Areas In Your House That Requires Protection From Pests

Wildlife animals spend their much time in finding food and shelter, especially in the winter season. When the cold days start, they move into attics, basement or chimneys live comfortably. They find these places in your house and unfortunately you provide them food and shelter in your own property.

Does not matter what DIY tips and tricks you are using to keep pests and wildlife animals out of your house, these solutions are not sufficient to address the root cause of the problem. By educating yourself on the problem areas in your property, you can protect yourself and your family members from pests and wildlife animals.

  1. Tree branches: Having trees around the house is a great way to enhance the value and curb appeal of your house. Trees provide you a number of benefits such as improvement to the air, the shade, and add value to your home’s look. But a few branches that extend from the tree to your house can be giving unwanted guests an easy access point.
    Tree branches that are direct connect to your roof or home are known as bridges. These branches offer a direct path to several creatures such as skunk, raccoons and squirrels to easily enter your house.
  2. Windows and doors: There are chances that you have holes around your windows and walls and these holes can lead to problems beyond leaks in your insulation. Even tears in windows and doors that does not close properly can lead to a number of problems and wildlife issue is one of them. If you suspect holes in your house, fix them immediately to keep pests out of your property.
  3. Roofing: Except other problem areas in your house, you need to inspect your roof for damage. Potential gaps, holes and cracks in the roof are the invitations for pests to enter your foundation.
    Take some time from your busy schedule and inspect your roof. If you see any type of crack, gap or hole, fix it without wasting time. Also look for soffit vents, because these are often used by animals to enter the attic.
  4. The chimney: The chimney is another common place for wildlife animals to explore and make into a home. Animals and pests like to get stuck in chimneys, causing unwanted stress on the homeowners and the wildlife involved.
    In order to avoid these unwanted guests, you can purchase a chimney cap. By installing this cap, you can avoid having animals enter your house and you can also protect the problem area in your home.


There are a number of creatures who reside within your neighborhood. Your house is not animal’s natural habitat. If you suspect wildlife in your home, Hamilton Wildlife is your solution. We provide safe and humane way to eradicate these unwanted guests from your house.