Lesser Known Things About Skunk


There are four species of skunks, and they are incredibly adaptable and opportunistic. Being natural burrowers, they can damage the foundation of your property by constructing burrows underneath. These holes around your property are a significant sign of their presence. Moreover, their distinctive smell is an excellent indication that they are available around you.


Facts About The Skunk

  • Skunks are nocturnal, and this is why they are active at night. However they don’t hibernate, they tend to be inactive in the winter season and like to get together in communal dens for warmth. For the remaining days of the year, they are virtually solitary living and foraging alone.
  • Mating season is one of the times when skunks begin to socialize. They can reproduce 1-7 young litters in late April to early June.
  • Due to their strong forefeet and long nails, skunks are excellent diggers. They dig holes in your garden, lawn or any ground in search of grubs and earthworms.
  • In case you try to remove the skunk, they will use various methods to defend like spit, growl, fluff their fur, and spray is the final method of defense.
  • Skunks are primarily known to release an overpowering smell via their anal glands when you try to threaten them.

Diseases Caused By Skunks

Skunks carry contagious diseases, parasites that they can transmit to humans and deliver several health issues like:

  • Leptospirosis
  • Canine distemper
  • Canine hepatitis
  • Intestinal roundworm
  • Rabies


The facts mentioned above are enough to tell that you should stay away from skunks. If you notice them around you, call us at Hamilton Wildlife for safe removal. Our team of wildlife removal specialists is equipped with necessary tools and technique to provide the right solution.